权 伟1,应苗苗1,康华靖1,周庆澔2,许曹鲁2
(1 温州科技职业学院 温州碳汇研究院,浙江 温州 325006;
2 洞头县水产科技推广站,浙江 洞头 325700)
摘要:统计、分析了浙江近10年来(2004-2013)近海贝类养殖的产量、结构、碳汇强度及其在全国所占比例。浙江近海贝类养殖年均总产量为68.46万t,主要贝类所占比例为蛏35.75%、牡蛎18.33%、蚶17.77%。全国年均总产量为1 100.47万t,主要贝类所占比例为牡蛎33.99%、蛤29.65%、扇贝11.28%。浙江近海贝类养殖总产量占全国总产量的比例只有6.26%,但蚶产量占全国的40.45%,蛏占全国的34.65%。近十年,浙江贝类年均固碳量为6.29万t/a,全国年均固碳量为95.97万t/a,占全国年均固碳量的6.55%。浙江贝类固碳量整体呈现先下降后上升趋势,蛏在各种贝类中年均固碳量最高达2.29万t/a,其次是蚶1.14万t/a、牡蛎0.99万t/a。
The study of shellfish mariculture and carbon sink capacity in the coastal areas of Zhejiang province
QUAN Wei1, YING Miaomiao1, KANG Huajing1, ZHOU Qinghao2, XU Caolu2
(1 Wenzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology, Wenzhou Institute of Carbon Sinks, Wenzhou 325006, China;
2 Dongtou Fisheries Technology Extension Station, Dongtou 325700, China)
Abstract: In order to know the shellfish farming yields, structures, carbon sink capacity and the proportion of total national production, they were analyzed based on the data of “Chinese Fishery Statistical Yearbook” from 2004 to 2013. The average annual production of shellfish in China was about 0.68 Mt. The proportion distribution for Zhejiang's main marine shellfish was 35.75 % for razor clams, 18.33 % for oysters and 17.77 % for Arcas. The average annual production of shellfish in China was about 11.00 Mt. Chinese main marine shellfish species were oyster, clam and scallop, which accounted for 33.99%, 29.65% and 11.28% of total shellfish production respectively. Although Zhejiang’s marine shellfish production occupied by only 6.26% of total national shellfish production, the production of Arcas and razor clams shared 40.45% and 34.65% of their total production in China. The annual carbon sink capacity for Zhejiang’s shellfish was 0.063 Mt/a, 6.55% of the corresponding national data, which was 0.96 Mt/a. China is the leading country for shellfish mariculture in coastal areas, it is suggested that government sectors should make great efforts to promote carbon sinks of shellfish mariculture into the United Nations Convention on Climate Conference, like the carbon sink of forestry. Promoting carbon sinks of shellfish mariculture as forestry can fully perform the ecological benefits of its carbon sinks. In order to strive for greater space for China's economic development, carbon fisheries should also be strengthened.
Key words: shellfish mariculture; farming production; culture structure; carbon sink capacity