韩永望,张哲勇,罗国强,张 特,王崇林
(成都通威水产科技有限公司, 四川 成都 610000)
摘要:为探索弹性立体填料原位使用对水产养殖过程中水质及动物生长的影响。通过在室内3.0 m3的小型养殖池中分别按0 m/ m3(A组)、0.5 m/ m3(B组)、1.0 m/ m3(C组)及3.0 m/ m3(D组)的使用量挂设弹性立体填料,每组设3个平行。通过定期检测水体中无机氮及碱度含量来评估其对水质的影响,并统计试验结束后的投喂量及增重量,评估其对养殖动物生长的影响。结果表明,弹性立体填料能够有效降低养殖水体中的氨氮、亚硝酸氮含量,提高养殖水体硝酸盐含量和幅度与弹性立体填料使用量呈正比关系,明显降低水体中的总碱度,并表现为随填料安装密度增加水体总碱度下降速度加快,可以促进养殖动物增重,具有降低饵料系数的趋势。
Application of elastic stereo filler in aquaculture
HAN Yongwang,ZHANG Zheyong,LUO Guoqiang,ZHANG Te,WANG Chonglin
(Chengdu Tongwei Aquatic Sci.& Tech.Co.,Ltd , Chengdu, 610000 ,China)
Abstract: This experiment demonstrated the effect of an elastic stereo filler in aquaculture. The experiment had four groups which were A group 、B group、C group and D group. The amount of elastic stereo filler used in four groups were 0m/m3、0.5m/m3、1.0m/m3、3m/m3. The results show that: Using elastic filler could remove the ammonia nitrogen、nitrite obviously; Using elastic stereo filler could improve the amount of nitrate nitrogen and the range improved in direct proportion to the amount of elastic stereo filler; Elastic stereo filler could reduce the alkalinity and the amount of elastic stereo filler is more the alkalinity is reduced faster; Elastic stereo filler could improve the production and reduce feed coefficient.
Key words: elastic stereo filler; water quality; Ecological base; growth