(宁德市水产技术推广站,福建 宁德 352100)
摘要:对在养蛏池内直接施肥培养饵料的传统缢蛏池塘蓄水养殖模式进行优化,建立了以专用池塘培养缢蛏生物饵料的池塘养蛏系统,即独立供式缢蛏池塘蓄水养殖系统。经过5个月左右养殖试验,独立供饵式缢蛏池塘蓄水养殖系统缢蛏平均单产为3 226.8 kg/ha,分别比传统缢蛏池塘蓄水养殖(2个对照组)提高37.37%和34.20%;生长速度分别快32.3%和38.7%,商品平均规格为16.13 g/粒,规格较整齐;养殖存活率为66.7%,与对照组差异不大;单位经济效益为5.48万元/ha,分别是对照组的270.26%和226.73%。与传统养殖模式相比,该独立养殖系统具有饵料供应充足、养殖生长速度快、经济效益高等优点,至少缩短了1个多月的养殖周期,避免了高温期对缢蛏养殖的危害。
The design and experimental study of isolate feed supply with water storage system to raise Sinonovacula constricta
LIU Zhaokun
(Ningde Fishery Technology Promotion Station, Ningde 352100, China)
Abstract: This study aimed to optimize the traditional aquaculture model (direct feed application) of Sinonovacula constricta, while an independent feeding water storage system was established. The results show that after 5 months cultivation, the average yield of independent feeding water storage system is 3226.8kg/ha, which is 37.37% and 34.20% higher than the two control groups (traditional cultivation groups), respectively; the average size is consistently 16.13 g/particle, the growth rate is 32.3% and 38.7% higher than the two control groups, respectively . The rate of survival is 66.7%, there is no significant difference between control groups and treatment group. The unit economic benefit of treatment group is 54,800 yuan/ha, which is account for 270.26% and 226.73% of the two control groups. In a word, comparing to the traditional Sinonovacula constricta cultivation systerm, the isolate feeding water storage system supplies more sufficient feed, growth rate of Sinonovacula constricta is higher, and the economic benefit is higher. And as the culture cycles cut down for more than 1 month, high temperature phase can be avoided.
Key words: Sinonovacula constricta;pond;water storage cultivation;feed supply;System design