穆迎春,马 兵,宋 怿,刘 琪,刘 欢
(中国水产科学研究院,北京 100141)
摘 要:对中国现行养殖水产品质量安全管理体系进行归纳与分析,同时选择日本、美国、挪威和泰国等在水产品质量管理体系建设方面具有代表性的国家,对其养殖水产品质量安全管理机构、行政管理体系和法律法规标准体系等方面进行介绍与评述,总结这些国家养殖水产品质量安全管理的发展概况和主要特点,并与中国的现行体系进行对比分析。结论认为,要确保水产品质量安全,实现政府的有力监管,进一步增强出口水产品的国际竞争力,关键是在于拥有完善的监督管理模式和先进的水产品质量安全监管体系。
Comparative and analysis on quality and safety management system of
aquatic products in China and abroad
MU Ying-chun, MA Bin g, SONG Yi, LIU Qi, LIU Huan
(Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing 100141,China)
Abstract: The quality and safety management systems of aquaculture products in Japan, the United States, Norway and Thailand were introduced and the main features and development of these systems were summarized in this paper. After comparing these systems with the current one in China, we brought forward some suggestions to establish and perfect the quality and safety management systems of aquaculture products in China which were expected to provide reference for improving the quality and safety management system of aquatic products in our country.
Key words: aquatic products ; food safety; management system