李华琳,刘项峰,张 明,王庆志,王笑月,付成东,李大成
(辽宁省海洋水产科学研究院,辽宁省海洋生物资源与生态学重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116023)
摘要:为了解大鹿岛西南海域游泳动物资源状况,于2013年春、秋两季采用底拖网在辽宁大鹿岛西南海域进行游泳动物资源调查。共发现游泳动物28种,隶属于9目24科,其中鱼类12种,虾类5种,蟹类8 种,头足类3种。春季游泳动物15种,其中鱼类7种,甲壳类7种,头足类1种,优势种是脊腹褐虾(Crangon affinis)、大寄居蟹(Pagurus ochotensis)、矶蟹(Pugettia sp),秋季游泳动物23种,其中鱼类8种,甲壳类13种,头足类2种,优势种是葛氏长臂虾(Palaemon gravieri)、李氏(鱼銜)(Callionymus richardsoni)、细纹狮子鱼(Liparis tanakae)。调查海域物种丰度指数为0.49~1.38,平均0.97;物种多样性指数为0.41~1.86,平均1.00;物种均匀度指数为0.13~0.58,平均0.30。
The investigation on nekton of Southwestern Dalu Island in spring and autumn
LI Hualin,LIU Xiangfeng,ZHANG Ming,WANG Qingzhi,WANG Xiaoyue,FU chendong,LI Dachen
(Liaoning Ocean and Fishery Science Research Institute,
Key Laboratory of Marine Biological Resources and Ecology in liaoning province, Dalian 116023,China)
Abstract: The status of fishery resources was evaluated by the data collected by the bottom trawls in the southwestern waters of Dalu Island. The results showed that 28 species of nekton were found including 12 species of fish, 5 species shrimp, 8 species crab and 3 species cephalopod. With regard to the index of relative importance (IRI), Crangon affinis, Pagurus ochotensis, Pugettia sp. were dominant species in spring, and Palaemon gravieri, Callionymus richardsoni, Liparis tanakae were in autumn. In spring, 15 species of nekton were found including 7 species of fish, 7 crustaceans and 1 cephalopod species. And 23 species of nekton were found in autumn including 8 species of fish, 13 crustaceans and 2 cephalopod species. The average richness index was 0.97 (0.49-1.38), the average of species diversity index was 1.00 (0.41-1.86), and the average evenness index was 0.30 (0.13-0.58).
Key words: nekton;biodiversity;dominant species; Dalu Island