江兴龙1,3,王 玮1,3,林国清2,廖碧钗2
( 1 集美大学水产学院,福建 厦门361021;
2 福建省水产技术推广总站,福建 福州350003;
3 鳗鲡现代产业技术教育部工程研究中心,福建 厦门361021)
Discussion on major factors influencing the effects of fishery resources stock enhancement
JIANG Xinglong1,3,WANG Wei1,3,LIN Guoqing2,LIAO Bichai2
(1 Fishries College Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China;
2 Fujian Fishery Technical Extension Center, Fuzhou 350003, China;
3 Engineering Research Center of the Modern Industry Technology for Eel Ministry of Education, Xiamen 361021, China)
Abstract: Stock enhancement is an important way to restore fishery resources, conserve biological diversity, improve water eco-environment and promote sustainable utilization of fishery resources. Stock enhancement activities were widely carried out in many countries,which were not scientific to some extent and effects were not good sometimes due to insufficient study and knowledge on restock enhancement technology and management. To find the scientific and effective way of stock enhancement and guide the work more effectively, the major factors influencing the effects of fishery resources stock enhancement and the key points were discussed based on comprehensive analysis of literatures and practical cases. And good measures or experiences were suggested in this paper, which included: determination of appropriate seed sizes and releasing quantity; selection of suitable habitat condition for releasing; guarantee health of the seed, appropriate transportation used and good operation for seed releasing; determination of appropriate releasing time; reinforcement of stock enhancement successive management, establishment of scientific and effective conservation measures to protect water environment and populations.
Key words: fishery resources; stock enhancement; factors