徐 皓
(十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
关键词: 渔业能耗;渔业污染;节能减排;研究重点
Research report on fishery industry energy conservation and
emissions reduction in China
XU Hao
( Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Shanghai 200092, China )
Abstract: Based on fishery sciences and professional background of fishery equipment and engineering, proceeding from its national conditions, this report evaluates the type and scale of fishery industry energy consumption and pollution emissions in China as well as its effect on fishery production and social development. Surrounding the national emissions reduction strategy, technical measures and research emphasis as well as the construction of stable scientific research mechanism are presented to provide references for the decision-making of fishery industry administration.
Key words: fishery industry energy consumption; fishery industry pollution; energy conservation and emissions reduction; research emphasis
作者简介:徐皓(1962—),男,研究员,所长,研究方向:渔业装备与工程。E-mail: xuhao@fmiri.com
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(4),1-7)