王 波1,刘振华2,傅明珠1,姜美洁1
(1 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所,青岛 266061;2 日照职业技术学院,日照276826)
摘要:为了探索星斑川鲽(Platichthys stellatus)远缘杂交的可行性,2007年进行了星斑川鲽♀×条斑星鲽♂、星斑川鲽♀×圆斑星鲽♂与大菱鲆♀×星斑川鲽♂杂交试验。结果表明,星斑川鲽♀×条斑星鲽♂、星斑川鲽♀×圆斑星鲽♂杂交不存在配子不亲和,受精卵可以正常发育,杂交子代存活和生长正常;而大菱鲆♀×星斑川鲽♂杂交胚胎能够发育,但孵化出仔鱼为畸形,24 h后死亡。
Primary study on the distant Hybridization of Starry founder (Platichthys stellatus.Pallas)
WANG Bo1, LIU Zhen-hua2,FU Ming-zhu1,JIANG Mei-jie1
( 1 First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Qingdao 266061,China;
2 Rizhao Vocational and Technical College, Rizhao 276826, China )
Abstract: Hybridization experiments were carried out between Platichthys stellatus♀×Verasper moseri♂, Platichthys stellatus♀× Verasper variegates♂ and Psetta maxima♀×Platichthys stellatus♂, in order to explore the distant hybridization possibility of Starry founder (Platichthys stellatus.). The results showed that incompatibility did not exist between Platichthys stellatus♀×Verasper moseri♂ and Platichthys stellatus♀×V. variegates♂, the fertilized eggs can developed normally and the filial generation can survive and grow normally. Although the crossbred embryo of Psetta maxima♀×Platichthys stellatus♂ can develop too, the hatched larval was malformed and died 24 h later.
Key words: Platichthys stellatus; Verasper moseri; Verasper variegates; Psetta maxima; distant hybridization
作者简介:王 波(1963—),男,副研究员,研究方向:海水养殖技术。E-mail:ousun@fio.org.cn