徐冬冬,詹 炜,楼 宝,毛国民,史会来,辛 俭,程国宝
(浙江省海洋水产研究所,浙江省海水增养殖重点实验室,舟山 316100)
摘要: 为了深入了解黄姑鱼Nibea albiflora (Richardson)的养殖生态学特征,自2009年6月至2010年6月定期测定网箱养殖环境因子,每月测量网箱养殖黄姑鱼的全长、体长和体重,并自黄姑鱼7月龄开始统计其雌雄个体差异。结果表明,黄姑鱼夏季生长较快,冬季生长相对较慢,养殖期间体重的平均生长速度为0.72 g/d,全长的平均增长速度为0.048 cm/d,至15月龄时体重达到(288.32±38.56)g;雌雄个体7月龄时存在显著差别(P<0.05),随着黄姑鱼的生长,这种差别逐渐增大,15月龄时,雌性体重是雄性的1.31倍。
Preliminary study on growth characteristics of cage-cultured Nibea albiflora (Richardson)
XU Dong-dong, ZHAN Wei, LOU Bao,
MAO Guo-min, SHI Hui-lai, XIN Jian, CHENG Guo-bao
( Marine Fishery Institute of Zhejiang Province,
Zhejiang Province Key Lab of Mariculture and Enhancement, Zhoushan 316100, China )
Abstract: As a newly developing species, the spotted maigre, Nibea albiflora (Richardson) exhibited great potential for aquaculture. To investigate the cultured ecology characteristics of the spotted maigre, the growth performance were monitored regularly, and the growth differences between males and females were also compared. During June of 2009 and June of 2010, the environmental factors were monitored regularly and the total length, body length and body weight were measured at fixed periods every month. The growth performance was compared between female and male individuals since the spotted maigre was 7 months old. The results showed that the spotted maigre grew fast during summer cultured period while grew slowly during winter cultured period. The mean growth rate was 0.72 g/d in body weight and 0.048 cm/d in total length. The body weight reached 288.32±38.56 g when the spotted maigre was 15 months old. The female and male individuals had significant differences in body weight since 7 months old. The differences enlarged as the age increased, and the body weight of female individuals was 1.31 times larger than that of the male individuals.
Key words: Nibea albiflora; cage culture; growth characteristics; difference of male and female
通讯作者:楼宝,男,教授级高工,研究方向:海水鱼类繁育生物学。E-mail: loubao6577@163.com