潘连德1,刘 健 2,陈锦辉2,陈弟伟1,杨吉平2,郑跃平2,徐嘉楠2
(1 上海海洋大学省部共建水产种质资源发掘与利用教育部重点实验室,上海 201306;
2 上海市长江口中华鲟自然资源保护区管理处,上海 200092)
摘要:在抢救、暂养、养殖和放流中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)工作中,采用水产动物医学的临床技术和方法,对中华鲟的健康和疾病进行跟踪检验、诊断、预防和控制,以保障中华鲟自然资源保护工作的顺利进行。总结了几年来的中华鲟病害临床实践,对几种主要病害诊断和控制技术研究结果表明,细菌性烂鳃病、细菌性败血症、鞭毛虫病、车轮虫病、烂鳃病、胃充气并发症和肠炎病等是常发性、暴发性疾病,是中华鲟养殖、暂养、救护过程中重点防治的疾病,若治疗不及时死亡率极高。细菌性败血症和车轮虫性烂鳃病危害尤其严重,通常会出现躯干部有黑点、色斑、溃疡灶等体表症状。鞭毛虫病的临床诊断比较困难,该寄生虫经过碘液染色才可以确定病原,作出诊断。
The clinical diagnosis and treatment on the severe diseases of Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis
PAN Lian-de1, LIU jian 2, CHEN jin-hui2, CHEN di-wei1, Yang ji-ping2, ZHENG yue-ping2, Xu jia-nan2
( 1 Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources,
Shanghai Ocean University, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201306, China; 2 Superintendency Department of ShangHai Yangtze Estuarine Natural Resources for Chinese Sturgeon, Shanghai 200092, China )
Abstract: On the work of rescuing, rearing for a certain time, breeding Chinese sturgeon and releasing them after treatment, we often use the methods of clinical veterinary technique to treat the healthy and ill Chinese sturgeon by the key steps of examining, diagnosing, prevention and controlling., in these ways, the protection conservation job of Chinese sturgeon will be carried out favorably. For past few years, from the result of Chinese sturgeon major disease diagnosis and controlling techniques shows that the bacterial gill-rot disease, bacterial septicemia, flagellate disease, trichodiniasis, gill-rot disease, stomach complications disease, and enteritis disease are common and often outbreak. If those diseases don’t get timely treatment, the rate of mortality will get high. Those diseases are valued by the process of breeding, rearing for a certain time, and rescuing. If they are at the critical ill of bacterial septicemia and trichodiniasis gill-rot disease, normally, some surface symptoms such as the black spots, stains, and ulcers will occur on their trunk. It is difficult to diagnose the flagellate disease, because it must be confirmed by the iodine staining. Both the bacterial gill-rot disease and parasite gill-rot disease have the symptoms such as gill gore, turgescence, turning black, mucus increased, and the exposure clinical symptoms. There is one thing should pay attention to is that the ill Chinese sturgeon’s behavior and the condition of feeding are basically regular, that is a very significant moment easily ignored. As a result, in our daily management, we should observe carefully, and ensure early discovery, early diagnosis, as well as taking measurement timely to prevent epidemics and death.
Key words: Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis; disease; diagnosis; controlling
作者简介:潘连德(1960—),教授,从事水产动物医学临床技术研究。E-mail: ldpan@shou.edu.cn