(福建省淡水水产研究所,福州 350002)
摘要:在(22±0.5)℃水温条件下,通过饥饿试验,研究了延迟投饵对匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathula)仔鱼存活与生长的影响。结果表明:延迟1~2 d投饵对仔鱼存活的影响不显著;延迟3 d以上投饵,仔鱼成活率显著下降;完全饥饿条件下,仔鱼半致死时间为11日龄,全部死亡时间为17日龄;延迟1 d投饵对仔鱼生长的影响不显著,延迟2 d以上投饵对仔鱼生长的影响显著。匙吻鲟仔鱼开口摄食期没有混合营养期,从初次开口摄食到饥饿半致死之间的间隔仅4 d。因此,匙吻鲟仔鱼初次投喂的最适时间建议在开口摄食后的2 d之内。
Effects of delayed feeding on survival and growth of Polyodon spathula larvae
HUANG Hong-gui, HU Zhen-xi, HUANG Zhong-chi, YE Xiao-jun, WU Mei-ying, HUANG Liu-ting
( Fresh-water Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian Province, Fujian Fuzhou 350002, China)
Abstract: In laboratory condition Polyodon spathula larvae were reared at the water temperature of (22±0.5) ℃ to exam the effects of delayed feeding on survival and growth under starvation condition. The results showed that the survival rate was not affected when the initial feeding was delayed 2 days, and then, decreased significantly with increasing of delayed feeding time. The time of 50% and 100% mortality for the starvation larvae happened at the age of 11 days and 17 days respectively. The growth rate was not affected when the initial feeding was delayed 1 day, and then, it decreased great significantly with increasing of delayed feeding time. There was no mixed feeding stage for Polyodon spathula larvae, and there were only 4 days from the initial feeding to 50% mortality time for the starvation larvae. Therefore, it is suggested that the most suitable firstly feeding time of Polyodon spathula larvae should be within 2 days after the larvae started feeding.
Key words: Polyodon spathula; larvae; delayed feeding; survival; growth