(农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071)
摘要:水下饱和脉冲荧光仪(Diving PAM)对桑沟湾6种常见海藻的光合荧光特性进行了原位测定,结果显示表征植物PSⅡ潜在光能转化效率的指标:Fv/Fm在孔石莼( Ulva pertusa)、羽藻(Bryopsis plumosa)、蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia filicina)、扇形拟伊藻(Ahnfeltiopsis flabelliformis)、石花菜(Gelidium amansii)和鸭毛藻(Symphyocladia latiusula)中差异显著(P<0.001),表明各藻类PSⅡ潜在光能转化效率的不同,其中以羽藻最高,鸭毛藻最低。有效量子产量(Yield)与相对电子传递速率(rETR)可反映藻类光合效率的不同,其日变化的测定结果中以羽藻的Yield和rETR较高,表明其较高的光合效率,其次为孔石莼,扇形拟伊藻与蜈蚣藻最低。快速光曲线中羽藻和孔石莼的潜在相对电子传递速率Pm和初始斜率α较高,证明其有较强的光合能力和捕光能力;扇形拟伊藻较高的α和较低的Ik显示其对弱光环境的耐受最强;蜈蚣藻、鸭毛藻与石花菜的光合捕光能力较弱。
关键词: 大型海藻;光合特性;水下饱和脉冲荧光仪;桑沟湾
In situ study on Photosynthetic fluorescence of 6 species macroalgae in Sungo Bay
GAO Ya-ping, ZHANG Ji-hong, FANG Jian-guang, Wu Tao, Tang Wang, Ren Li-hua,
MAO Yu-ze, Liu Ding-hai
(Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Resources, Ministry of Aquiculture, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Qingdao 266701 China)
Abstract:In August 2010, the photosynthetic fluorescence of 6 species of macroalgaeseaweeds including Ulva pertusa, Bryopsis plumosa, Symphyocladia latiusula, Gelidium amansii, Grateloupia filicina, Ahnfeltiopsis flabelliformis were measured in situ by Diving pulse amplitude-modulated fluorometer. The results showed that there were significant differences (p<0.01) in the maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) among six species, of which the highest was B. plumosa and lowest S. latiusula, and indicated the differed efficiency of primary conversion of light energy of PSⅡand their potential activities. The day course of Yield and rETR showed that there was a positive correlation between Yield and PAR while a negative correlation between rETR and PAR in all of the 6 species. Next to B. plumosa the mean values of Yield and rETR were highest in U. pertusa and lowest in G. filicina and A. flabelliformis. Both B. plumosa and U. pertusa had higher Pm and α compared to other species. This indicates their higher capacity of light capture and that they are better adapt to higher light conditions, while A. flabelliformis with higher α and lower Ik is adapt to low light conditions. The low Pm and α in S. latiusula, G. amansii and G. filicina suggest their low capacity of light capture.
Key words:macroalgae; Photosynthetic fluorescence; Diving pulse amplitude-modulated fluorometer; Sungo Bay
作者简介:高亚平(1984-)女,硕士,主要从事海洋生物生态研究。E-mail: gaoyaping8640@163.com
通讯作者:张继红,研究员.E-mail: zhangjh@ysfri.ac.cn