(上海市土地调查规划院,上海 200072)
Design of land use quota of land based standardization aquafarm—
an investigation in Shanghai
CHEN Ji-wei
( Shanghai Institute of Land Survey and Planning, Shanghai 200072, China )
Abstract: The industry of land based aquiculture has present scale pattern in Shanghai recently, and begin to transfer to multifunctional fish culture offering people higher grade products and more elegancy lie fallow place. Basing on investigation of land based aquafarm in Shanghai, this paper analyzes the structure and type of the standardization aquafarm , and proposes the land rebuilding quota of three types aquafarm according with intensivism. Related suggestions are put forward finally.
Key words: aquafarm; standardization; land for aquiculture
作者简介:陈基伟(1969—)男,高级工程师,博士,主要从事土地调查与评价。E-mail: sigs@tom.com