(中国海洋大学水产学院,青岛市 266003)
摘要:为研究益生菌对水质因子及半滑舌鳎仔稚鱼生长指标的影响。设置添加益生菌的试验组和未添加益生菌的空白对照组进行饲喂试验,定期测定水质因子并从每组随机抽取鱼体测定其生长指标。研究发现,采用相同饵料喂食半滑舌鳎仔稚鱼,投喂益生菌对试验组pH、DO、温度、氨氮、亚硝氮没有显著影响( P>0. 05),表明添加益生菌对水质无不良影响。试验组半滑舌鳎仔稚鱼的体长增长率较对照组虽无明显差异,但增重率、肥满度和成活率显著提高(P<0. 05),表明益生菌的使用可显著提高经济效益。
Effects of SanolifeMIC-F on water quality and the growth of larvae of Cynoglossus semiloevis Günther
SONG Xie-fa,KANG Meng-meng,PENG Lei,LI Qiang
(College of Fisheries Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China)
Abstract: The objective is to evaluate the effects of water quality factor and the indicators of growth of larvae of Cynoglossus semiloevis Günther in the test group which added SanolifeMIC-F.We set the test group and the blank control group without SanolifeMIC-F using the same feedingstuff for them.We measure the water quality factor regularly in the water and the indicators of growth of fish. The results demonstrate that pH, DO, temperature, ammonia and nitrite have no significant influence and adverse effects (P> 0.05) in the test group.The growth rate of body length in test group have no significant effects compared with the blank control group,however the growth rate of weight, the fatness and the survival rate had significant effects(P<0.05).Thus, this study illustrated the products of SanolifeMIC-F cause a significant variation in water quality,Cynoglossus semiloevis Günther growth and economic performance.
Key words: SanolifeMIC-F; Cynoglossus semiloevis Günther;;growth;water quality factor