胡 盼1,2,黄旭雄1,华雪铭1,王万兵3,周洪琪1
(1 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306;
2 上海市金山区农产品质量安全中心,上海 201500;
3 安徽省芜湖县水产技术推广站,安徽 芜湖,241100)
摘要:以27%鱼粉组饲料为对照组,用6.0%的玉米蛋白粉替代对照组饲料中的部分鱼粉(相应替代对照组饲料配方中22.2%的鱼粉),配制成2种等氮等能的饲料。在室外4口池塘进行日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponensis)生产性养殖试验。经过一茬养殖,结果发现:投喂玉米蛋白粉饲料组与投喂鱼粉饲料组的日本沼虾在生长速度上无显著差异。分别投喂两种饲料对池塘水质影响也无明显差异。投喂玉米蛋白粉饲料和鱼粉饲料的日本沼虾的总产量分别为1 219. 5 kg/hm2和1 033.5 kg/hm2;投喂玉米蛋白粉饲料和鱼粉饲料的投饲系数分别为2.4和2.2。使用玉米蛋白粉饲料养殖日本沼虾比使用鱼粉饲料可增收毛利润2 669.00~2 717.30元/hm2。
Partial replacement of fish meal by corn gluten meal in diet on the growth and culture profit of Macrobrachium nipponensis under field pond condition
HU Pan1, 2, HUANG Xu-xiong1, HUA Xue-ming1, Wang Wan-bing3, ZHOU Hong-qi1
( 1 College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;
2 Center on Quality & Safety for Agricultural Products, Jinshan District, Shanghai 201500, China;
3 Fisheries Technology Extension Station of Wuhu County, Anhui 241100, China )
Abstract: The effect of corn gluten meal (CGM) as a partial replacement of fish meal (FM) in diets for Macrobrachium nipponensis under field pond condition was studied. The basal diet contains 27% FM as control, another isonitrogenous isoenergic 6.0% CGM experiment diets, which substituted 22.2% FM in basal diet, were fed to the shrimp respectively. After a season production, the results showed that there was no significant difference on shrimp growth performance as well as water quality between the ponds fed with FM diet and ponds fed with CGM diet. The pond fed with CGM diet had a yield of 1 219.5 kg/ha and feeding coefficient of 2.4. While the pond fed with FM diet had a yield of 1 033.5 kg/ha and feeding coefficient of 2.2. Compared to that of the FM diet, the increments of gross returns of 6.0% CGM diet were 2 669.00-2 717.30 RMB/ha.
Key words: Macrobrachium nipponensis; corn gluten meal; growth performance; yield; culture benefit
作者简介:胡盼(1985—),女,硕士,从事农产品质量安全研究。E-mail: hupan0326@126.com
通讯作者:黄旭雄(1971—),男,副教授,博士,主要从事水产养殖动物营养与饵料的研究。E-mail: xxhuang@shou.edu.cn