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作者:管理员    来源:十大网投正规信誉官网    发布日期:2009-08-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开发实验室,国家渔业机械仪器质量监督检验中心,上海 200092)

摘  要:渔船用柴油机是渔船消耗能源最大的设备,是渔船节能工作中的重要环节,其技术性能指标直接关系到能源消耗量、万元产值能耗率及污染排放量的高低程度。通过承担农业部“我国渔业能耗与节能技术分类调查”项目,对辽宁、山东等我国主要渔港的海洋捕捞作业渔船进行实船调查,并走访了国内主要渔船柴油机生产企业。本文以调研信息和数据为基础,分析渔船用柴油机实际应用、功率分布、转速分布、能耗以及节油产品在渔船上的应用等情况,反映我国渔船柴油机的实际应用现状,并针对存在的问题提出意见和建议。


The Investigation Report on the diesel engine in fishing vessels and the application of fuel-efficient technology in china

ZHANG Zhu-li, CAO Jian-jun, HE Ya-ping
( Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture,The National Supervision and Testing Center of Fishery Machinery and Instrument, Shanghai 20092, China )

Abstract: The diesel engine ,the largest energy equipment , and directly relates to the degree of energy consumption, which is the important part of energy conservation total energy consumption per RMB10,000 turnover and discharge amount. According to the project “The investigation of china fishery energy consumption and energy-saving technology ” from ministry of agriculture, the author investigates ocean fishing vessels in Liaoning and Shandong Province etc., and visits the major diesel engine manufacturers of fishing vessels. This article which is based on the information and data of investigation, analyses the practical application the power, the rotational speed, the energy consumption of  the diesel engine on China’s fishing vessels and the application of import diesel engine. This article reflects the status quo of the diesel engine on China’s fishing vessels, and then gives out the comments and suggestions.

Keywords: Energy-saving for fishery; fishing vessels; diesel engine; oil saver; status quo



                                           (《渔业现代化》 2009,36(4),66-70)



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