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作者:管理员    来源:十大网投正规信誉官网    发布日期:2009-08-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

粱建生 谭文先
(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网 上海,200092)

摘要:针对目标船型进行主尺度和船型分析研究后得出的一种不带球鼻艏的基本船型,通过增设球艏以期进一步减阻节能。对渔船球鼻艏的特点作出一般性分析,针对述及的基本船型选配3种不同尺寸的SV型球鼻艏进行研究,通过模型试验得到量化对比分析结果和优化选型。基本船型配合3种球艏后,在设计航速FN=0.325时正浮状态减阻4.4%~10.4%,纵倾状态减阻15.7%~16.0%。本渔船常处纵倾状态,应用球艏后进一步减阻约16%,使PE/Δ降至约0.429 kW/t,实现了减阻节能渔船的预期研究目标。本研究成果对渔业船舶或其它船舶的船型优化有参考价值。


Comparative experimental research on fishing vessel’s bulbous bow model in resistance reduction and energy conservation
LIANG Jian-sheng, TAN Wen-xian
( 1 Key laboratory of fishery equipment and engineering, Ministry of agriculture,
 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China )

Abstract: Specific to the objective hull form, it comes to a kind of basic hull form which doesn’t have bulbous bow after analysis the main dimension and form, by adding the bulbous bow with a view to further resistance reduction and energy conservation. Make a general analysis to the bulbous bow , and match three kinds of different sizes SV-type bulbous bow for the involved hull form to research , we get a quantified comparative result and optimization type through the model test .After matching three kinds of bulbous bow , resistance is reduced by 4.4%~10.4% in upright state and by 15.7%~16.0% in trim state when design speed FN=0.325. For this fishing vessel is usually trim, after applicated the bulbous bow forward to further resistance reduction of about 16%, and PE/Δ reduced to 0.429 kW/t, so it achieves the desired objective of reduce resistance and save energy. This research result have reference value for fishing vessel or other type of ships.

Key words: fishing vessel; bulbous bow; resistance reduction

作者简介:粱建生(1957—),男,研究员,船舶设计专业,从事船舶设计和研究。E-mail: l-jiansheng@163.com

                                         (《渔业现代化》 2009,36(4),54-58)



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