谌志新1,周 彤2,徐 皓1,江 涛1
(1 十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092;2 农业部渔业船舶检验局,北京 100026)
Electric hydraulic integration controlling system for salvage equipment
of aircraft returning cabin in terrible ocean environments
CHEN Zhi-xin1,ZHOU Tong2,XU Hao1,JIANG Tao1
(1 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China;
2 Register of Fishing Vessel of the People’s Republic of China,Beijing 100026, China)
Abstract: The salvage equipment for aircraft returning cabin in terrible ocean environment is quite important for the life safeguard system as a part of the flight strip system in the manned spaceflight project, which is also the extension of ocean fishing technology. With the help of the equipment and scaling model tests in towing tank and natural water area, the coordinated control between salvage methods and equipments for aircraft returning cabin is both solved and improved. The equipment is mainly composed of gyration heading off arms, salvage nets, gantry swing cranes, seat-frame and operating platform for ship-carrying return cabin, an assistant winch traction system, collision & swing resistant system, hydraulic drive and control, and a centralized monitoring system. The PID controlling technology is used to solve the problem of dynamic swing of the return cabin when it is lifted. In addition, the centralized monitor system settles the problem of coordinated operation and auto control in the complicated system with the application of fluid drive, computer PLVC programming control and system alarming & fault diagnosis. Electric, hydraulic and CAN-Bus communication technology are integrated to meet the demands of safety operation and high reliability of the system. The system equipment has been tested time after time for simulating the salvage of the aircraft returning cabin, which validates that the salvage methods in the paper is reasonable and feasible along with the system equipment on the safe side.
Key words: aircraft returning cabin;terrible ocean environment;salvage equipment;;Electric hydraulic integration control;PID dynamic swing resistibility
(《渔业现代化》 2007,34(6),55-59)