詹 鋆1 ,张建一2
(1 集美大学轮机工程学院;2 集美大学机械工程学院,福建 厦门 361021)
摘 要:通过现场调研,介绍了一种新型的大型灯光围网渔轮的设计开发。该型渔轮采用先进的作业方式,保鲜工艺采用冷海水保鲜→冻结→冷藏,针对性强。渔轮的航区大航程长,实际使用的效益良好。对开发利用外海中上层鱼类资源十分有利。对渔轮深入分析发现,其制冷系统的自动控制、设备配置及制冷剂等方面,存在着较大的优化与节能潜力。
关键词:灯光围网; 渔船;制冷;节能
Analysis on New Light-purse Seine Vessel and it’s Refrigeration Technology
ZHAN Jun1, ZHANG Jian-yi2
(1Marine Eng. Institute/2College of Mech. Eng., Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China)
Abstract: The design of a new light-purse seine vessel is introduced based on field survey. The vessel use advanced operating mode for fishing. Cooling seawater preservation, freezing and cold storage are adopted for fish preservation, which is of well pertinence to this operating mode. The new vessels have large navigating area and long voyage. The great benefits have been obtained in the application, especially for exploitation of pelagic fishes in the open sea. It is found from further analysis that there are great potentials for energy savings in the auto control, equipment configuration and refrigerant of its refrigeration system.
Key words: light-purse seine; fishing vessel; refrigeration; energy saving
作者简介:詹鋆(1988-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向:轮机工程. Email: zhanjun_1007@sina.com
通讯作者:张建一(1953-),男,教授,研究方向:制冷空调的优化与节能. Email: jyzhang@jmu.edu.cn