刘 平,徐志强,焦 耳
(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘要:针对中国围网渔船作业机械化程度低、起放网速度慢等问题,围绕加快围网网具整理速度,提高整体作业的效率,开发了1.5T围网理网机。利用CREO三维建模软件建立理网机实体模型,并将建好模型导入ANSYS WorkBench中进行有限元受力分析,对理网机作业工况位置进行有限元分析计算,对最大应力结构部件进行优化分析设计,最终得到结构合理、强度满足安全系数的理网机部件参数。
关键词:围网捕捞;理网机;Ansys WorkBench;优化设计
Optimization design of seine transport-roller based on ANSYS WorkBench
LIU Ping, XU Zhiqiang, JIAO Er
(Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Science, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of low mechanization of purse seines boat, and improve the speed of hauling in and transport of the seine to the net bin, we developed 1.5T transport-roller to ensure the steady flow and easy movement of the net. The 3D solid model of transport-roller was built by CREO software, and then imported into ANSYS Workbench for finite element analysis so as to get the maximum stress and deformation at the operating condition of the transport-roller. The structure component with maximum stress of the transport-roller was selected to optimization analysis and design. According to the optimization results, the structure of component is improved more reasonably and also its strength meets the design requirements.
Key words: transport-roller; AWB; optimization design; seine