刘志强,刘双喜,李 伟,李 震,张 菡,李道亮,王金星
(山东农业大学机电学院,山东 泰安,271000)
摘要:针对海水网箱养殖投饲作业中机械化程度低、人员劳动强度大等特点,设计了海上投饲炮。通过理论计算,完成了整机机构设计和关键部件技术参数的确定;设计了分别适用于投放颗粒饲料和用作饲料的鲜杂鱼的、速率可调的饲料输送装置,输送管道直径110 mm。海上试验结果表明,该投饲炮可投喂长度≤15 cm的鲜杂鱼和当量直径≤4 cm的颗粒饲料;颗粒饲料投放距离为4.5~18.2 m,投放效率为14.8~19.2 kg/min;鲜杂鱼投放距离为6.6~16.9 m,投放效率为15.1~19.7 kg/min。该投饲炮能满足海上大型网箱实际投饲需求,可降低网箱养殖投饲作业中的劳动力成本。
Design and test of cage feeding gun
LIU Zhiqiang,LIU Shuangxi,LI Wei,LI Zhen,ZHANG Han,LI Daoliang,WANG Jinxing
(Electrical and Mechanical College,Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271000, China)
Abstract:According to the characteristics of low-level mechanization and high labor intensity in marine cage feeding operations, the feeding gun was designed . Through theoretical calculation and experiment, the design of the whole machine and the technical parameters of the key parts were determined. Design the bait conveyer
applied to put particle bait and fresh fish baits with an adjustable rate, and the diameter of the transmission pipeline was 110mm. Sea trial results show that bait distance for particles is adjustable range from 4.5 m to 18.2 m, on the efficiency of the range of 14.8~19.2 kg/min, For fresh fish bait distance range from 6.6 m to 16.9 m, on the efficiency of the range of 15.1~19.7 kg/min. The feeding gun can meet the actual needs of large offshore cage feeding, reduce feeding cage culture in the operation of labor cost.
Key words: feeding gun; feeding; cage aquaculture ; fishery machinery