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作者:管理员    来源:十大网投正规信誉官网    发布日期:2007-12-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

段振华1,2 ,王美蓉2 ,汪菊兰1 ,裴志胜2
 (1 海南省热带水生生物技术重点实验室,海南 海口 570228; 2 海南大学食品科技学院,海南 海口570228;)

摘 要:鱼鳔是重要的药食两用水产品资源,但加工产品单一。为了提高鱼鳔的深加工利用水平,以海南市场上一种低值鱼鳔为原料,研究了鱼鳔蛋白的酶解工艺。通过测定鱼鳔蛋白酶解过程中的氨基氮、可溶性固形物和滤速等参数的变化,分析不同的反应条件对鱼鳔蛋白降解结果的影响规律。结果显示,反应过程中可溶性固形物含量比氨基氮含量提前达最大值;复合蛋白酶降解鱼鳔蛋白的较适条件是:起始pH值5.0~7.0,温度50℃~60℃,酶量范围为0.7%~0.8%,反应时间5 h,底物浓度3%。

关键词: 鱼鳔;蛋白质;酶解

Study on Hydrolysis technology for a Lower-value Swim bladder with Protease
Duan Zhenhua 1, 2; Wang Meirong 2; Wang Julan 1; Pei Zhisheng 2
(1.Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Tropical Hydrobiology & Biotechnology, Haikou, 570228,China;
2. School of Food Science and Technology, Hainan University, Haikou, 570228,China)

Abstract: The reaction characteristics of hydrolysis for a lower-value fish swim bladder from Hainan were investigated in this paper. Parameters including content of amino acid nitrogen (AAN), soluble solid content (SSC) and filtration velocity were used to evaluate the effects of various reaction conditions on enzymatic hydrolysis and quality of hydrolysate. Firstly, it was found that an increase in reaction time resulted in an increase in both the SSC and the AAN, but the SSC needed less time to reach the maximum than the AAN did. Secondly, high pH value such as pH8.0 was also found to influence filtration of hydrolysate and conversion from insoluble substances into soluble solids. Finally, the better reaction conditions of hydrolysis for the swim bladder protein with a compound protease were following as: 5.0~7.0 for the original pH, 50℃~60℃ for the temperature,0.7%~0.8% for the amount of enzyme,5 hours of reaction time and 3% of substrate concentration.

Key words: lower-value; swim bladder; protein; enzymatic hydrolysis; characteristics



 (来源:《渔业现代化》 2007,34(6),43-46)



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