(1 浙江海洋学院渔业学院,浙江 舟山 316004;2 浙江普陀区海洋与渔业局,浙江 舟山 316100)
摘要:设计了5款水族箱,以供成体大黄鱼长时间存养、运输等保活选用。初步研究水质、温度和存养密度对大黄鱼保活的影响,分别设置若干个温度组、盐度组或密度组的水体进行保活试验。结果表明,从未用到使用水净化装置,鱼平均存活时间最短值由53.5 h延长到69.0 h,最长值由61.5 h延长到126.0 h;适宜的低温有助于鱼的保活,19.5~21.5 ℃为最适存养和贮运水温,平均存活时间最短93.0 h,最长150.0 h;在低存养密度17~25 g/L和高密度48~56 g/L时,平均存活时间分别为最短96.3 h和28.8 h,最长150.3 h和50.5 h。
Technological Study on Big Yellow Croaker Kept Alive
Shui Bo-nian1, Guo Di-fei2
( 1 Fisheries School of Zhe-jiang Ocean University, Zhoushan Zhejiang 316004, China;
2 Putuo District Ocean and Fisheries Bureau, Zhoushan Zhejiang 316100, China )
Abstract: In this paper, five kinds of aquariums were designed and selected to supply big yellow croaker kept alive while transported and stockpiled within a long time. The paper studied three key factors how to influence on big yellow croaker kept alive, which were water quality, water temperature and fish density respectively. Some temperature, salinity and density groups were designed and set to make some tests. As a result, it was found which big yellow croaker could be protracted to survive from 53.5 h to 69.0 h at the shortest time while water processed from not, however, the survival time was protracted from 61.5 h to 126.0 h at least while water processed, it was very efficient. On the other hand, the fitting low temperature was helpful for their survival, their mean survival time was 93.0 h at least and 150.0 h at most for 16.5 ℃~19.5 ℃. Their mean survival time was 96.3 h at least and 150.3 h at most for the low density 17~25 g/L, However, their mean survival time was 28.8 h at least and 50.5 h at most for the high density 48~56 g/L. So the fitting density should be selected for fish transported and stockpiled according as different necessities.
Key words: big yellow croaker; water quality processed; living fish transported; living fish stockpiled
作者简介:水柏年(1965—),男,副教授,硕士,主要从事渔业资源和生态环境方面的研究。E-mail: shuibonian@163.com
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(3),11-14)