高红岩1,王丽娜1,张国胜2,李 明3,李 桥3,高琳琳1,张显威3
(1 大连海洋大学食品工程学院,大连 116023;2 大连海洋大学海洋工程学院,大连 116023;
3 辽宁省大连海洋渔业集团公司,大连 116113)
Application Analysis of Pre-cooling Treatments Using Fluid Ice as Media Coupled Super-chilling technologies for further storage of fresh fishery product
GAO Hong-yan1, WANG Li-na1, ZHANG Guo-sheng2,
LI Ming3, LI Qiao3, GAO Lin-lin1, ZHANG Xian-wei 3
( 1 Faculty of Food Engineering, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China;
2 Faculty of Ocean Engineering, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China;
3 Dalian Ocean Fishery Group of Corporations, Dalian 116113, China )
Abstract: Comparing with ice-storage, combined pre-cooling with fluid ice and super-chilling storage for fresh fishery product is a promising technique in faster cooling, preserving freshness, conserving original flavour and extending shelf-life to meet with demand of consumers living far from producing area. In this paper, current status in researches and applications for pre-cooling with media of fluid ice and super-chilling storage in China and abroad was introduced. The pre-cooling technique and super-chilling treatment were elucidated. The advantages and prospects of preservation for fresh fishery product were analyzed. Limitation in implementation in China was evaluated. Some alternations and amendments in refrigerated processing and facilities in super-chilling chain were introduced.
Keywords: Pre-cooling; Fluid ice; Super-chilling storage; Fresh fishery product; Super-chilling chain
作者简介:高红岩(1970—) ,女,副教授,硕士,研究方向:水产品保鲜技术研究与设备开发、节能制冷热泵系统研究等。E-mail: ghoyan.gao@yahoo.com