(1 福建省水产研究所,福建 厦门 361012;
2 福鼎市质量计量检测所,福建 福鼎 355200)
摘 要:以江蓠提胶废渣为原料,进行酶法制备不溶性膳食纤维(IDF)优化工艺研究试验。分别通过体系的酶量、酶解温度和酶解时间的单因素试验及这3个因素的正交试验,研究其对不溶性膳食纤维含量的影响,获得其最佳的制备工艺为:料液比1:8,0.4%复合蛋白酶,pH值9,40 ℃水解3 h,洗涤至中性后,60 ℃恒温干燥。该工艺制备的产品得率48.8%,不溶性膳食纤维含量高达93.61%,粗蛋白质0.70%,粗脂肪0.87%,持水力与膨胀力分别为5.05 g/g和6.47 mL/g,高于西方国家小麦麸皮膳食纤维标准。可望使江蓠提胶废渣变废为宝,开发成为膳食纤维功能食品。
Study on extraction process of water-insoluble dietary fibre from
the extract residue liquid of Gracilaria
XU Yong-an1, CHEN Fei-fei2, WU Jing-na1
( 1 Fujian Fisheries Research Institute, Xiamen Fujian 361012, China;
2 Fuding Quality Inspection and Measurement Bureau, Fuding Fujian 355200, China)
Abstract: Insoluble dietary fibre (IDF) was extracted from extract residue liquid of Gracilaria by enzymolysis method. The effects on insoluble dietary fibre was studied by single factor and orthogonal experiment. The results indicated that the optimum extraction process was as follows: 1:8 solid-liquid ration, 0.4% compound protease, pH 9, 40 ℃ hydrolysis 3 h, then washing to neutral, drying at 60 ℃. Under the above conditions, the yield of product was 48.8%, the contents of IDF was 93.61%, and crude protein and fat contents of products were 0.70% and 0.87% respectively. Water holding capacity and swelling capacity of products were 5.05 g/g and 6.47 mL/g respectively, higer than those in western countries. The aim of the present study is to turn the waste residue into wealth, develop dietary fiber functional food.
Key words: Gracilaria; waste residue; water-insoluble dietary fibre; water holding capacity; swelling capacity
作者简介:许永安(1954—),男,研究员,主要从事水产品加工及综合利用研究。E-mail: ggs@fjscs.ac.cn