闫 虹1,许瑞红2,范选娇1,林 琳1,姜绍通1,陆剑锋1
(1 合肥工业大学生物与食品工程学院,安徽 合肥 230009;
2 安徽富煌三珍食品集团有限公司,安徽 合肥 238076)
摘要:为提高水产品加工副产物中蛋白质资源的综合利用率,采用复合蛋白酶和风味蛋白酶对阿拉斯加狭鳕鱼排进行复配酶解。以水解度为指标,考察初始pH、温度、料液比、加酶量、复配酶比例、时间对酶解液水解度的影响。在单因素试验基础上,采用Box-Behnken中心组合设计和响应面分析法,确定最佳的酶解工艺条件为:初始pH7.0,温度47 ℃,料液比1:2,加酶量3.0%,复合蛋白酶与风味蛋白酶比例1:1,酶解时间3 h,此时酶解液水解度可达到38.74%。进一步的美拉德反应试验研究表明,在持续酶解9 h后,酶解液水解度、游离氨基酸含量增加趋势均趋于平缓,同时对美拉德反应产物的风味评价差异不显著,因此最终确定酶解时间为9 h。该研究可为利用狭鳕鱼排酶解液进行美拉德反应制备不同肉风味香料提供理论依据。
Optimization of dual-enzymatic hydrolysis technology of Alaska pollock frame based on Maillard reaction
YAN Hong1, XU Ruihong2, FAN Xuanjiao1, LIN Lin1, JIANG Shaotong1, LU Jianfeng1
( 1 College of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China;
2 Anhui Fuhuang Sungem Foodstuff Group Co., Ltd., Hefei 238076, China )
Abstract: In order to increase the comprehensive utilization rate of protein resources from fish by-product, protein hydrolyte was prepared from Alaska pollock frame using a dual-enzyme digestion with Protamex and Flavorzyme. Taken the degree of hydrolysis (DH) as an index, the effects of initial pH, temperature, solid-liquid ratio, enzyme dosage, dual-enzyme ratio and hydrolysis time on pollock frame were studied. Based on single factor experiments, the optimum process condition was obtained by using Box-Behnken center-united design and surface response design. The result showed that the optimum process condition was initial pH 7.0, temperature 47 ℃, solid-liquid ratio 1:2, enzyme dosage 3.0%, compound enzyme ratio 1:1, hydrolysis time 3 h and the DH of pollock frame 38.74%. Moreover, further study on Maillard reaction showed that, after 9 hours of continuous hydrolysis, the growth of DH and contents of free amino acids (FAAs) was essentially flat, and there was no significant difference in the flavor evaluation of Maillard reaction products. Thus, 9 h was confirmed as the final hydrolysis time. This study provided a basis for producing spice with different meat flavor by Maillard reaction using the pollock frame hydrolyte.
Key words: pollock frame; dual-enzymatic hydrolysis; Maillard reaction; degree of hydrolysis(DH); response surface method; free amino acids (FAAs)