李大鹏,秦 娜,王回忆,孔春丽,罗永康
(中国农业大学食品营养与工程学院,北京 100083)
Changes of quality in common carp (Cyprinuscarpio) fillets treated wih vacuum packing and curing during refrigerated storage
LI Dapeng, QIN Na,WANG Huiyi,KONG Chunli,LUO Yongkang
(College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083)
Abstract: In order to understand the variation of fish quality during storage and establish the efficient quality control technology, we measured total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), pH, electric conductivity(EC), juice loss and K-value in fresh and 1.5% salted common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fillets with common and vacuum packing during storage at 4°C. Results indicated that TVB-N, EC, juice loss and K-value of common carp fillets went up throughout the storage period. TVB-N of fillets with vacuum packed rised more slowly than that of non-vacuum packed fillets. Compared with fresh fish fillets, TVB-N of prepared fillets increased slowly during storage, but the juice loss and EC were higher. Vacuum packaging could effectively inhibit the K values rise of fillets, but there was no significant effect for 1.5% salted fillets. pH changes showed a “V” trend during the whole storage period, and vacuum packing and 1.5% salt inhibited the increase of pH during the later stage of storage. Vacuum packing and 1.5% salt can improve the fillets quality of common carp during refrigerated storage, which have a good application prospect in practice.
Keywords:common carp; fresh fillets; salted fillets; vacuum packing; quality