(1 大连理工大学,海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室,大连116024;2 大连水产学院,大连 116023;
3 浙江海洋学院海洋科学与技术学院, 舟山316000)
Tension distribution of gravity cage net in steady current
ZHAO Yun-peng1, LI Yu-cheng1, DONG Guo-hai1, LIU Wen-shun2, GUI Fu-kun3
( 1 State Key Lab of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China;
2 Dalian Fisheries University,Dalian 116023, China;
3 Marine Science and Technology School, Zhejiang Ocean Univercity, Zhoushan 316000, China )
Abstract: Fishing net should have enough intensity to withstand the attack of current and stormy waves to avoid fishing escape. Differing from other structures made from rigid materials, the intrinsically flexible nets undergo large deformation under external and internal forces. In addition, the length of netting twine undergoes extensional deformation as a result of various loads during fishing operation. The aim of this paper is to investigate the shape and tension distribution of fishing nets in current only. Herein, a numerical model is developed, based on lumped masses method, and then the tension distribution in gravity cage net is demonstrated by images and positions where maximum of tension occurs are pointed out for the reference of practical application. According to the simulated data, it can be found that the distribution in the cage net is related to the style of weighting model, and the largest value of tension force in cage net with sinker only (WA) is smaller than that in cage net with bottom-collar sinker weight system (WB) in the same current condition.
Key words: tension distribution; net cage; numerical simulation
作者简介:赵云鹏(1980—),男,讲师,博士,主要从事海洋牧场结构物水动力学研究。E-mail: Zhaoyp18@hotmail.com
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(6),5-8)