戴 阳,杨胜龙,樊 伟,伍玉梅
(中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090)
摘要:针对渔船监控的需要,设计了一种低功耗的航迹记录仪。该仪器采用MSP430F149作为主控芯片,将从GPS接收模块获取渔船位置信息经整理和变换格式后储存在FLASH存储芯片中,作为记录航迹,并可以通过无线方式实现数据的非接触读写,进行航迹数据读取,读写距离可达800 m。在采用多种降低功耗措施后,可以在一节容量为19 000 mAh的锂电池供电的情况下实现长达6个月以上的航迹记录。还具有体积小、造价低、免维护等优点,满足了渔政检查人员非登临渔船就可获取历史航迹记录和长记录周期的需求。
Design of low power consumption track recorder based on MSP430
DAI-Yang, YANG Shen-long , FAN Wei, WU Yu-mei
( East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, China Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China )
Abstract: Aimed at the need of supervision to the fishing vessel, a low power consumption track recorder is proposed. Under control of MSP430F149 chip microcomputer, location information, which is got from the GPS module and stored in FLASH chip, act as recorded track data. The track data can be read through the wireless way from 800 meters away. By using many methods to reduce the power consumption, the track recorder can record the track for six- months, and has the merits such as small size, low cost, maintenance free, etc. This track recorder meets the fishery management’s requirement: get the track data without boarding the fishing vessel, low cost and long periods tracking time.
Key words: track recorder; fishing vessel monitoring; low-power consumption; wireless data transmission; MSP430 chip microcomputer; Global Positioning System (GPS)
作者简介:戴阳(1969-),男,副研究员,博士,主要从事海洋仪器与遥感探测方面研究。E-mail: daiyang69@163.com