罗 烽1,柴金龙1,凌文森1,胡章立2
(1 深圳大学机电与控制工程学院,广东 深圳,518060;2 深圳大学生命科学学院,广东 深圳,518060)
摘要:尝试建立了一种小型双循环鱼菜共生系统。鱼池水体2.8 m3,占地面积80 m2,所需配套设备全部自制。试验主要探讨建立该系统的可行性,通过不断改进自制设备和鱼饲养环境,探索提高水处理效果,以及在较小占地条件下获得高产和无公害鱼菜产品的方法。试验结果:养鱼水质指标NO2--N为0.02~0.08 mg/L,NH3-N≤0.03 mg/L,NH4+-N<0.5 mg/L,单位水体平均年产罗非鱼63.3 kg/m3。整个鱼菜系统无污水排放,成鱼中检出的砷、铅、汞等元素含量均低于相关国家标准要求。
Experiment and research on the system and equipments of
miniature industrial fish farming
LUO Feng1, CHAI Ji-long1, LING Wen-sen1, HU Zhang-li2
( 1 College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering, Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen Guangdong 518060, China;
2 College of Life Sciences, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Guangdong 518060, China )
Abstract: A kind of double-circulating miniature fish and vegetable co-existing system is tentatively constructed, in which the water volume of the fishing pond is 2.8 m3, and the area for this miniature system is around 80 m2. All equipments used in the system are self developed. The feasibility of constructing this kind of system is focused on and explored in this paper. The improvement of efficiency of water treatment and quality of production of pollution-free fish and vegetable are explored by improving the self developed equipments and the environment of fish feeding constantly. The result of the experiment indicates that the index of the water quality of fish feeding, NO2-N 0.02~0.08 mg/L, NH3-N≤0.03 mg/L, NH4+-N<0.5 mg/L, can be achieved. The average yield of tilapia is 63.3 kg/m3 per year. No polluting water is discharged out of the system. The contents of arsenic, lead, mercury in the fish products are lower then the requirement of the relative national standards.
Key words: industrial fish farming; fish and vegetable co-existing system, miniature system; water treatment; self developing equipment
作者简介:罗烽(1962—),男,副教授,硕士,研究方向:水产机电设备开发。E-mail: LLF@szu.edu.cn