张饮江1,张晓东1,陆仁广1,徐姗楠1 ,刘琴芳2,刘心武2
(1 上海水产大学,上海 200090;2 上海鲜绿真空设备有限公司,上海 200072)
摘要:研制具有自动控温、高效增氧、生物净化、双路循环等功能的水产品活体流通保活设备,并用于鱼类活体运输。模拟运输试验结果表明,活体流通设备能够提供水产品活体适宜的低代谢生存环境,溶氧充足,金鱼保活时间168 h,存活率达98%。72 h内NH4-N与NO2-N含量的降低率分别达43.7%与 30.8%。
Study of circulating facilities for living aquatic products
Zhang Yinjiang Zhang Xiaodong Luo Yanping Xiu Ssnnan
(Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai 200090, China)
Abstract: Equipment of circulating aquatic products studied in this paper solves changes of environmental factors causing by assaulting load, mainly for long-distanced transportation of cherish aquatic, and has the function of refrigerate, heat preservation, killing germs through increasing oxygen, purifying water circulation, power supply and so on. It is showed in the experiment that the equipment has an effect on water purifying, the quality of NH4-N and NO2-N will decrease to 43.7% and 30.8%. It is indicated from earlier man-made simulating experiments about monitoring systems that artificial environmental technology of living body transportation has an effect on purifying water environment, and the quantity of NH4-N and NO2-N will decrease to 38.9% and 30.8% in 72hours. In the process of transporting experiments, if appropriate water heat, good water quality and sufficient dissolved oxygen are insured, the proportion of fishes and water will be 1:1, living bodies will keep 168 hours; and the survival rate will be 98%.
Key words: aquatic product; circulation of living bodies; environment of keeping live; Carassius auratus; water purification
基金项目:上海市重点学科建设资助 (Y1110)
作者简介:张饮江(1961- ),上海人,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事水域环境生态学、水产集约化养殖工程等领域的研究。E-mail:yjzhang@shfu.edu.cn.
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2007,34(3),36-39)