方 金1,丁春林2,钱卫国1
(1 上海水产大学海洋学院,上海,200090; 2 辽宁葫芦岛市水产科学研究所,辽宁 葫芦岛,125000)
摘 要:超声波具有机械传质、加热和空化作用。高强度的超声会破碎生物的细胞,降低酶活性等;合适的低强度超声波可以促进鱼卵孵化,提高鱼类的生长速度,去除有害藻类,并能增强鱼类的免疫功能,有利于鱼病防治。
Application of ultrasonic wave in aquaculture
FANG Jin1, DING Chun-lin2, QIAN Wei-guo1
( 1 College of Marine Science & Technology, Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai 200090, China;
2 Huludao Fisheries Research Institute, Huludao, Liaoning Province 125000, China )
Abstract: Ultrasonic wave has some functions of mechanical mass transfer, heating and cavitation. The biological cells are destroyed and enzyme's activity is reduced by high intensity ultrasonic wave. The appropriate ultrasonic wave with low intensity has some advantages of shortening the time of hatching eggs, accelerating the growth rate of fish, eliminating the deleterious algae, and enhancing the immune function of fish.
Key words: ultrasonic wave; aquaculture; hatching eggs; fish disease prevention; growth; algae
(《渔业现代化》 2007,34(6),17-20)