王鹏祥,苗 雷,张业韡,汤涛林,黄 健
摘要:应用多参数水质传感器、PAC场控制器、IEEE 802.15.4无线传感器网络、CAN现场通信网络等技术进行系统设计,创建低成本、高效率、性能匀称、可扩充系统的水产养殖水质测试和水质调控的集成系统。认为推广普及规范化的水质监控手段,对促进水产养殖的科技进步和产业升级,实现水产养殖业增长方式转变有积极的意义。指出在现阶段发展我国的“数字化”养殖水质监控系统时,要注意现场设备的数字化、智能化、多功能化、网络化,开发低价位性能可靠的数字化水质传感器,提高信息的共享性和发挥养殖水质数据的应用价值。
On-line water quality monitoring system integration technology in aquaculture
WANG Peng-xiang, MIAO Lei, ZHANG Ye-wei, TANG Tao-lin, Huang Jian
( Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China )
Abstract: This paper proposed an aquaculture water quality testing and controlling integration system with low cost, high efficiency, equal performance and extensibility according to the low-level development in aquaculture water quality monitoring and control in china. The system is designed with the application of multi-parameter water quality sensors, PAC-site controller, IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor network, and CAN-site communication network etc. It means a lot for the aquaculture technology advancement and industry upgrade in addition to the changes in aquaculture growing mode to promote and popularize standardized water quality monitoring and controlling measures. It indicates that more attention should be paid to make the on-site devices digital, intelligent, multi-functional in a network when developing digitalized aquaculture water quality monitoring and controlling system nowadays. Moreover, it’s required to develop reliable and cheap digitalized water quality sensors and to improve sharing information and realize the application value of aquaculture water quality data.
Key words: aquaculture; water quality monitoring; wireless sensor networks; FCS Fieldbus
作者简介:王鹏祥(1950—),男,高级工程师,主要研究方向:养殖水质在线监控的系统集成。E-mail: pxw@fmiri.com
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(6),18-22)