曲焕韬1,李鑫渲1,王敏懿2,何 庆1,黎祖福1
(1 中山大学,广州 510275; 2 韶关市力冉农业科技有限公司,韶关 512000)
摘要:根据花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)生理生态特点构建循环水养殖系统。系统集成了臭氧消毒杀菌、机械过滤、生物过滤、液氧增氧等关键技术。试验研究循环水养殖系统中花鳗鲡的生长情况,对试验期间各项水质指标动态变化进行了监测。结果表明,各项水质指标均保持在花鳗鲡生长适宜范围内。平均规格29.97 g的花鳗鲡经过260 d养殖,平均体重达到716.20 g,成活率达到86.5%,收获时鱼产量为82.6 kg/m3,饵料系数维持在1.25左右,养殖周期较传统养殖模式缩短4~5个月,日换水率约为3%。利用封闭式循环水养殖模式进行花鳗鲡养殖切实可行。
Preliminary study on superintensive industrial culture of Anguilla marmorata in recirculating aquaculture system
QU Huan-tao1, LI Xin-xuan1, WANG Min-yi2, HE Qing1, LI Zu-fu1
( 1Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
2 Shaoguan Liran Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd,Shaoguan 512000, China )
Abstract: According to the physiological and ecological characteristics of Anguilla marmorata, a closed recirculating aquaculture system was built including ozone disinfection system, mechanical filtration system, biofiltration system, liquid oxygen transfer system. The growth conditions of Anguilla marmorata in this system was studied. The dynamic changes of water quality during the experiment were also monitored. The result showed that indicators of water quality during the culture were maintained at the suitable scope for Anguilla marmorata. After 260 days’ culture the average weight of Anguilla marmorata changed from 29.97 g to 716.20 g, the survival rate reached 86.5%. Yield in per cubic metre water was 82.6 kg/m3, feed coefficient was about 1.25, the breed period was shortened 4 to 5 months compared with the traditional culture pattern, the daily water exchange rate was only 3%. It was feasible to culture Anguilla marmorata in a closed recirculating aquaculture system.
Key words: Anguilla marmorata; recirculating aquaculture system; industrial aquaculture; water treatment
作者简介:曲焕韬(1984—),男,研究生,主要从事设施渔业研究。E-mail: quhuantao35@163.com
通讯作者:黎祖福(1960—),男,研究员,主要从事水产增养殖与养殖工程规划。E-mail: lsslz-1960@163.com
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(4),13-16)