刘青华1,2,蔡明园2,王 佳3,Naomi Sudo1,Cheryl Goudie1
(1 美国爱格斯生态技术研发中心,美国 孟菲斯市 38152;
2 江苏省江阴市江淮水产研究所,江阴 214400;3 上海海洋大学,上海 201306)
摘 要:研究通过黄金鲈雌鱼与伊犁鲈雄鱼进行杂交,以期加快鲈鱼的生长速度,推迟其性成熟和提高上市规格。为减少饲养环境条件和人为管理差异造成生长试验误差,研究采用试验鱼同池混养的方法进行生长比较。在气提泵循环水养殖系统中,经690 d的生长比较试验。结果表明,杂交鲈体重增长比黄金鲈快33.91%;杂交鲈的性腺发育被推迟或性腺发育不良;黄金鲈和杂交鲈的成活率分别为87.50%和82.08%,二者在成活率上无显著差异(P =0.29)。杂交鲈适宜在高密度循环水养殖条件下生长,杂交优势较为显著,可以取代黄金鲈进行集约化养殖生产。
Growth analysis of yellow perch Perca flavescens by hybridization
with Balkash perch P. schrenki in ARAS
Chris Q. Liu1,2, CAI Ming-yuan2, WANG Jia3, Naomi Sudo1, Cheryl Goudie1
( Aegis Eco-Technology Research Center, Memphis, TN 38152-3829, USA; Jianghuai Fisheries Research Institute, Jiangyin Jiangsu 214400, China; Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China )
Abstract: To improve growth and inhibit sexual maturity, hybrids between yellow perch females and Balkhash perch P. schrenki males were produced. Yellow perch and hybrid perch were reared together in triplicate tanks to minimize deviations in culture conditions in airlifting recirculating aquaculture system. After 690 days of growth, survival of hybrid perch and yellow perch was similar (82±6 and 87±5%, respectively), body weight of hybrid perch was 33.91% higher than that of yellow perch, gonadal development of hybrid perch was abnormal and gonadosomatic index of female and male hybrid perch was significantly lower than that of yellow perch. This study documents the first successful hybridization between yellow perch and balkhash perch, and improved growth performance, abnormal gonadal development and reduced reproductive capacity of hybrid perch, suggesting that this hybrid may be a viable alternative to yellow perch for aquaculture production.
Key words: Perca flavescens; Perca schrenki; hybrid vigor; airlifting recirculating aquaculture system (ARAS)
E-mail: aegischina@gmail.com
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(4),27-32)