(集美大学机械工程学院,厦门 361021)
Thermodynamic analysis of combined heating and power with micro turbine in eel Farming
TAO Qiu-hua
( Mechanic Engineering College of Jimei University, Xiamen Fujian 361021, China )
Abstract: Intensive farming of eel requires favorable water quality and temperature conditions, so it requires reliable power supply for oxygen aerating and heat supply in order to maintain the water temperature. Separate generation of Heating and Power was adopted in traditional eel farming. However, it leads to the following results: Coal-fired boilers pollute environment severely; dissolved oxygen reduces because of the unreliable power supply in rural area. In order to overcome shortcomings of traditional eel farms, Combined Heating and Power with micro turbine is presented. Based on the calculation of heat consumption, power consumption, thermodynamic analysis is discussed between Combined Heating and Power and Separate generation of Heating and Power. Primary energy ratio and exergy efficiency are compared between them, Primary energy ratio of Combined Heating and Power is 1.84 times of Separate Generation of Heating and Power, and exergy efficiency is 1.43 times of Separate Generation of Heating and Power.
Key words: intensive farming; Combined Heating and Power; Separate Generation of Heating and Power; energy flow chart; exergy flow chart
E-mail: ttaojiangshui@163.com