安振华,孙龙生,王 恒
(扬州大学动物科学与技术学院,扬州 225009)
Application of microfiber media filter and microfiber-based combining biofilter to aquaculture water treatment
AN Zhen-hua, SUN Long-sheng, WANG Hen
( College of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China )
Abstract: Microfiber is a new material gradually used in aquaculture for its characters: highly water-absorbed, fast dry, high specific area. It is practial to use the microfiber-textile to deal with the high suspended substance (SS) and amonia in the wasted aquaculture water. It is slimmer and lighter than gravel and quartz sand and also easy to be assembled. Microfiber can also be used to be the base-material in combining biofilter. The microbiber-based combining biofilter can use the maximum organism in water and transform it to be the aquaculture products. With the researches on the abilities of different microfiber textiles and fiber-ball to be used as filterstuff and the microbiber-based combining biofilter, we can improve the aquaculture water recycle and reduce the exhaust carbon dioxide in a more effective way.
Key words: Microfiber; water treatment; filter material; combining biofilter
作者简介:安振华(1981—),男,讲师,博士,主要从水生生态和水处理研究。E-mail: anzhenhua@yzu.edu.cn