陈 帅,蔡颖玲,汤以范
(上海工程技术大学机械工程学院,上海 201620)
摘要:针对冰块降温和自然对流降温等传统降温方法无法满足观赏鱼养殖的特殊要求,设计了包含机械制冷系统、热交换系统、给水系统和自控系统的降温系统,采用混合式直接传热的方法对暂养池池水进行降温。通过热工计算得到降温所需的制冷量、供回水温差和冷媒流量;采用流量控制阀和电动三通阀调节循环水流量、冷媒流量,控制供回水温差达到传热降温的要求;设计给水系统满足供回水要求。实现降温速度1~1.5 ℃/h的目标。实践证明,本方法应用于养殖琉金、红狮、珍珠等观赏鱼,出池存活率在98%以上。
Design and application of water temperature reduction system for large aquaculture pond
CHEN Shuai, CAI Ying-ling, TANG Yi-fan
( College of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620 )
Abstract: Because the traditional cooling methods can not meet the special requirements of aquarium fish breeding, the way combined with mechanical refrigeration, heat exchange system, water supply system and automatic control system is designed to meet the cooling requirements. It includes calculating cooling capacity, temperature difference of circulating water, flow rate of cooling medium, controlling flow rate of circulating water and cooling medium by valve, designing the water supply system. Practice proves the way feasible. Survival rate of aquarium fish under the cooling system is beyond 98 percent.
Key words: aquaculture pond; cooling pond water; mechanical refrigeration; plate exchanger; automatic control; water supply system
作者简介:陈帅(1977—),男,讲师,硕士,研究方向:人工环境与设备工程技术。E-mail: ahaxe@yahoo.com.cn