(国家海洋局天津海水淡化与综合利用研究所,天津 300192)
摘要:采用砂滤、精密过滤、超滤、紫外杀菌和膜法充氧工艺,建立一套0.5 m3/h膜集成试验装置,用于处理海水工厂化养殖废水。考察超滤膜性能、试验工艺对废水中主要污染物的去除效果。结果表明:超滤膜截留率增大,COD去除率提高,产水量下降;选用截留率(牛血清白蛋白)为97.0%超滤膜,不投加混凝剂,装置对污水中COD、TN、TP和细菌的去除率依次为66.1%、69.7%、11.9%和100%,产水溶解氧达到39.54 mg/L,产水浊度为0.40 NTU,投加聚合氯化铝未能有效提高产水水质。除总磷外,膜法处理后海水的各项水质指标满足GB 3097—1997《海水水质标准》养殖用水要求。
Investigation on integrated membrane system
for marine aquaculture wastewater treatment
LIU Guo-chang, LU Jing-lie, LI Xiao-ming, LI Xue-mei, ZHANG Zhao-cai, GUAN Yi-peng
( The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization, State Oceanic Administration, Tianjin 300192, China )
Abstract: An 0.5m3/h integrated membrane system has been developed for marine aquaculture wastewater treatment,which comprises sand filter, precision filter, ultra-filter, UV sterilize and membrane oxygenation. The main objective of this study was to compare the PVDF ultrafiltration membrane and operating parameters treating the effluent of aquaculture farm. It was studied that the higher of membrane retention, the better of COD removal with permeates flow decreasing. When the membrane of 97.0% retention was used, without using coagulants, the removal coefficients of main contamination were found as follows (%): COD-66.1, TN-69.7, TP-11.9 and Bacteria-100, the oxygen content in permeate stream is up to 39.54mg/L, turbidity is 0.40 NTU. While, the option of using flocculants to improve permeate water quality is not indicated. Accordingly, the treated marine aquaculture wastewater is almost satisfied for reuse excepting of TP (National Standard of Seawater Quality, GB 3097—1997).
Key words: marine aquaculture wastewater; integrated membrane system; PVDF hollow fiber membrane
通讯作者:吕经烈(1962—),男,教授级高工,主要从事膜技术与海水综合利用等方面的研究。E-mail: lvjinglie@sina.com