(大连水产学院 农业部海洋水产增养殖学与生物技术重点开放实验室,大连116023)
摘要:设计制作了养殖槽底部流水,带有净化装置的循环水海参养殖系统,饲养规格为(0.39±0.07)g的幼参,通过测定氨氮、亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐、COD等指标,以及海参的存活情况,研究了该系统水质变化规律及养殖效果。结果表明:于净化槽中加入硝化细菌,水质稳定后开启循环水养殖幼参(Apostichopus japonicus),密度为0.47 kg/m3, 7~12 d后换水时,氨氮和亚硝酸盐的最大值分别为0.190 mg/L和0.077 mg/L。试验期间没有使用任何药物,海参的成活率为95%。
Design and application of a self-cleaning sea cucumber culture system
JIANG Yu-sheng, WANG Qiu-yi, LIU Qing-kun
LI Qiao-man, WANG Mao-lin, LI Cen, LIU Chang-wei, WANG Ji-qiao
( 1 Key Laboratory of Mariculture & Biotechnology, Ministry of Agriculture, Dalian Fisheries University, Dalian 116023, China )
Abstract: A self-cleaning aquaculture system with filtering equipment and “water-fllowing bottom” culture tank was designed and used to culture juvenile sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus (0.39±0.07g/ind). Ammonium-, nitrite-, nitrate-nitrogen and COD, as well as survival rate were measured to evaluate the changes of water quality and feasibility of this system.for culturing sea cucumber. The results showed that after adding nitrifying bacteria into the filtering tank, the maximum value of ammonium- and nitrite- nitrogen were 0.190 mg/L and 0.077 mg/L, respectively, when the sea cucumbers were cultured at a density of 0.47kg/m3 with water change at an interval of 7-12 days. A survival rate of the sea cucumber kept at 95% without any drugs input throughout the experiment.
Key words: sea cucumber, recirculating aquaculture; self-cleaning system
通讯作者:王吉桥(1950—),男,教授,博士,研究方向:水产养殖生态学。E-mail: jqwang1950@163.com