农业部东海海水健康养殖重点实验室,福建 厦门 361021)
Studies on fingerlings breeding of Anguilla japonica and Anguilla rastrata by recirculating aquaculture system
XU Ji-song, GUAN Rui-zhang, CHEN Xue-hao, LAI Xiao-jian
( Fisheries College of Jimei University; Engineering Research Centre of Eel Modern Technical Industry, Ministry of Education; Key Laboratory of Healthy Mariculture for the East China Sea, Ministry of Agriculture, Xiamen 361021, China )
Abstract: Anguilla japonica and A. rastrata fingerlings were bred by the recirculating aquaculture system which has the bubble bead filter. The stocking density of this experiment was 8-10 times more than the model of traditional culture. The quantity of the exchanged water was 20%-45% during the experimental period. The results showed that the survival rates of A. japonica and A. rastrata fingerlings were all above 96.74%, and higher than the model of traditional culture. The specific growth rates (SGR) and feed conversion ratioes (FCR) of A.japonica and A.rastrata fingerlings were (7.08±0.08)%/d and (4.83±0.06)%/d, 4.92±0.03 and 4.74±0.19, respectively, during the period of feeding Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri. The SGR and FCR of A.japonica and A. rastrata fingerlings were (2.30±0.19)%/d and (1.69±0.05)%/d, 1.30±0.02 and 1.76±0.06, respectively, during the period of feeding compound diet. The results indicated that the recirculating aquaculture system was suitable for the fingerlings breeding of A. japonica and A. rastrata. The fingerlings breeding of eel were energy-saving, emission reduction and non-residue by the recirculating aquaculture system. These results will provide an important reference for developing a new model of eel fingerlings breeding which is resource conservation and environment friendly.
Key words Anguilla japonica; Anguilla rastrata; Recirculating Aquaculture Systems; eel fingerlings breeding
作者简介:徐继松(1983—),男,实验师,从事水产养殖及病害防治研究。E-mail: jsxu518@jmu.edu.cn
通讯作者:关瑞章(1953—),男,教授,博导,从事渔业水体生态与病害防治研究。E-mail: rzguan@jmu.edu.cn