马茵驰,丁 文
(北京市水产科学研究所,国家淡水渔业工程技术研究中心,北京 100068)
摘要:基于无线射频识别(RFID)技术建立亲鱼养殖管理系统能够大大减少人工工作量,并对亲鱼养殖全程实现可靠精细化的管理、跟踪和追溯。测试分析结果表明,天线直径分别为25 cm和40 cm两种规格的RFID抄网读写器,能够在平均距离16.41~22.82 cm范围内,稳定地读写亲鱼皮下肌肉内的玻璃标签,在后台软件系统的支持下,能够实现对亲鱼养殖全程的有效管理、跟踪和追溯。
Design and implementation of parent fish breeding management system
based on RFID technology
MA Yin-chi,DING Wen
( Beijing Fisheries Research Institute, National Engineering Research Center of Freshwater Fisheries, Beijing 100068, China )
Abstract: We develop a parent fish breeding management system which is based on the RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification, RFID ) technology. It greatly reduces artificial workload and realizes reliable management and tracking for breeding process of parent fish. Results show that the RFID Read-Write Handle-net with the antenna of 25 cm or 40 cm diameter can read and write the glass label in muscle of the parent fish with the average distance of 16.41-22.82 cm. And it realizes the reliable management and tracking for the breeding process of the parent fish when we use the system.
Key words: RFID; parent fish breeding; aquaculture management
作者简介:马茵驰(1982-),男,工程师,主要从事渔业信息技术方面的研究。E-mail: mayinchi@bjfishery.com