(山东省海水养殖研究所,山东 青岛 266002)
Ecological observation on Sargassum qingdaoense cultivated in the ponds
HU Fan-guang, GUO Ping-ping, WU Zhi-hong, WANG Zhi-gang, SUN Fu-xin, LI Mei-zhen﹡
(Mariculture Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao, 266002 , china)
Abstract: The paper made research and analysis on the growth of Sargassum qingdaoense which were cultivated in pond in Qingdao from April, 2010 to June, 2011. According to pond water environment(such as temperature, salinity and PH) and growing characteristics of S. qingdaoense, the author made experimental comparision of monoclonal and bi-folders growth of S. qingdaoense, and made cultivation test of middle-truncated folder S. qingdaoense seedlings. The experiment shows: (1) S. qingdaoense grows fastest when pond water termperature at 9 ~ 18 ℃, slowly at 18~21℃, when water temperature is higher than 21℃, S. qingdaoense stop growing and begin rotting off. S. qingdaoense which were cultivated by bi-folders model grew better than mono-folders model, the former average length and wet weight were slightly larger the latter(P<0.05); (2) middle-truncated folder S. qingdaoense seedlings experiment shows, the upper half grows well, the lower half grew little, but the lower half front germinated many lateral branches. The result shows: the growth of S. qingdaoense is influenced by water temperature; high-density folders can promote growth low-density folders, and simultaneously confirms the physiological properties that Sargassum is top-growing algae, whose meristematic tissue locates on the top of algae body.
Key words: Sargassum qingdaoense; biomass; wet weight
作者简介:胡凡光(1977—),男,工程师,硕士,研究方向:大型海藻养殖与应用。E-mail: hfg_2006@sohu.com。