曾洋泱1,匡迎春1,2,沈 岳3,向 欢1,刘新庭1
(1 湖南农业大学工学院;2 湖南省现代农业装备技术研究中心;3 湖南农业大学信息学院 湖南 长沙 410128)
摘 要:中国是水产养殖业大国,近年来随着农业结构的调整,我国水产养殖业正从传统的人工养殖逐步向工业化、集约化养殖方式转变,水质监控成为集约化养殖的关键环节。本文介绍了水产养殖监控的技术体系,其体系结构分为终端层、传输层和管理层3个部分,从国内、外两方面分析了各部分的发展及应用研究现状,指出水质参数的采集和处理是目前的攻坚环节,展望了养殖水质监控中感知层的信息融合、远程视频传输的应用、信息处理技术的集成与智能以及物联网技术与集约化养殖的结合将是未来的发展趋势。
关键词:水产养殖; 集约化; 水质监控
Study status and developmental trend of water quality monitoring technology for aquaculture
ZENG Yang-yang1, KUANG Ying-chun1.2, SHEN Yue3, XIANG Huan1, LIU Xin-ting1
(1.College of Engineering Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128;
2.Hunan Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center for Modern Agricultural Equipment,Changsha 410128;
3.College of Information Technology Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)
Abstract: China is a big country of aquaculture industry, with the adjustment of agricultural structure in recent years, China's aquaculture is gradually transforming from the traditional artificial breeding to industrialization、intensive breeding mode, water quality monitoring becomes the key link of intensive breeding. This paper introduces the technology system of aquaculture monitoring, the system structure is divided into three parts: terminal layer, the transport layer and management layer, and analyses the development and application status of each link from domestic and foreign, and points out that the acquisition and processing of the water quality parameters is the crucial link. and looks forward to the future developmental trends of water quality monitoring for aquaculture are that information fusion in perception layer, the application of remote video transmission, integration、intelligence of information processing technology and combination of things networking technology and intensive breeding.
Key words: aquaculture, intensive, water quality monitoring