(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室 国家渔业机械仪器质量监督检验中心, 上海 200092)
摘要: 叶轮式、水车式、射流式和曝气式增氧机是目前我国池塘养殖使用的主要增氧设备;由于结构形式和工作原理的不同,4种形式的增氧机有不同的特点和功能。为提高养殖池塘增氧设备的增氧效果,通过增氧设备对养殖池塘水体不同深度增氧效果的试验和养殖池塘自然增氧的试验,分析了4种典型的增氧设备的增氧性能和特点,提出了叶轮式增氧机与耕水机、水车式增氧机与耕水机、水车式增氧机与射流式增氧机以及曝气增氧机与耕水机组合配置使用的混合增氧模式,可以优势互补,充分发挥各种形式增氧设备功能。通过组合使用,达到对养殖池塘水体最大限度的增氧效果的目的。
Research on combined application of typical oxygen equipment
in aquaculture ponds
GU Haitao,HE Yaping,WANG Xianrui
(Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture,
The National Supervision and Testing Center of Fishery Machinery and Instrument, shanghai 200092)
Abstract: In order to improve the oxygen effect of aeration equipment in aquaculture pond, through texts of different oxygen equipment effects on aquaculture pond water at different depths and oxygen on the effect of natural aeration pond experiment. Propounds, with the use of different aerators can give full use of the functions of different oxygen equipment, such as Impeller aerator and farming water machine, paddlewheel aerators and farming water machine, paddlewheel aerators and jet aerator, aeration machines and farming water machine. Used in combination for the objectives of achieving the maximum oxygen, and discovered a new way for improving the level of machinery of equipment ponds, aquaculture ponds utilization and unit of production.
Key words: oxygen equipment; combined mode; oxygen effect