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作者:管理员    来源:十大网投正规信誉官网    发布日期:2013-07-15 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

(浙江大学动物科学学院饲料研究所,浙江 杭州 310058)

摘要:为研究斯氏假单胞菌(Pseudomonas stutzeri F1M)对草鱼养殖水质的调控作用,进行了室外试验。试验选择初始体重为(5.0±0.5)g的草鱼2 400尾,随机分为4组,每组3个重复,每7天分别向水中添加0、2×107、1×108和2×108 cfu/L 斯氏假单胞菌,各组投喂相同饲料。试验期为15 d,每3 d测定亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮、氨氮、总氮、正磷酸盐、总磷等水质指标。结果显示,斯氏假单胞菌用量1×108 cfu/L和2×108 cfu/L均可有效降解水体亚硝酸盐氮和总无机氮,第15天时,亚硝酸盐氮和总无机氮浓度分别比对照组减16.8%、15.3%和49.5%(P<0.01)、51.8%(P<0.01)。表明斯氏假单胞菌调控草鱼养殖水体水质的最适添加量为1×108 cfu/L。

关键词:斯氏假单胞菌(Pseudomonas stutzeri F1M);草鱼;水质;水产养殖

Effect of Pseudomonas stutzeri F1M on water quality in grass carp culture
ZHEN Jiajia,ZHANG Xiaoping,Hu Caihong,LI Weifen

(Institute of Feed Science, College of Animal Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058,China)

Abstract: This experiment was conducted to study the application of Pseudomonas stutzeri F1M for water quality control in grass carp culture. A total of 2 400 grass carps weighing (5.0±0.5)g were randomly allotted to 4 groups. Each group consisted of 3 replications. Pseudomonas stutzeri F1M were added to the water with 0,2×107,1×108 or 2×108cfu/L every 7 days, respectively. Grass carps in all groups were fed the same feed. The trial period was 15 days. Nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, ammonia, total inorganic nitrogen, total nitrogen, orthophosphate, total phosphorus and other water quality indicators were measured every 3 days. The results showed that 1×108 and 2×108cfu/L Pseudomonas stutzeri F1M could effectively degraded nitrite nitrogen and total inorganic nitrogen by 16.8%, 15.3% and 49.5%(P<0.01), 51.8%(P<0.01)at 15th d, respectively, compared with control. It is suggested that the optimum dosage of Pseudomonas stutzeri F1M regulating aquatic water was 1×108 cfu/L.

Key words: Pseudomonas stutzeri; Grass carp; water quality




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