摘要:基于生物絮凝技术(Biofloc Technology, BFT)的水产养殖模式能够有效提高饲料中蛋白质的利用率,净化养殖水体,被认为是解决当前集约化水产养殖面临的资源和环境问题的有效方法之一。文章分析了碳源投加在生物絮凝养虾与传统养虾中的区别,总结了BFT池塘养虾具有降低饲料成本、减少水处理费用和病害防治等方面的优点,指出BFT碳源消耗量大、能耗较高的局限性,并结合南美白对虾生物絮凝池塘养殖技术,对生物絮凝技术在中国虾类养殖中的应用进行了展望。
The application of biofloc technology in shrimp farming ponds
LIU Wenchang1, LUO Guozhi1,2, TAN Hongxin1,2
(1 Shanghai Aquacultural Engeering Research Center, College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2 Shanghai Ocean University aquatic animal breeding center,Shanghai University Knowledge Service Platform, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: Biofloc-Aquaculture System is considered as an effective measure to the intensive aquaculture industry facing natural resourse and environmental constraints, which could increase dietary protein retention ratio and improve the capacity of water quality control. This paper analyzes the differences of carbon addition between biofloc technology (BFT) and traditional technology in shrimp farming, advantages of lower feed costs, lower water treatment costs and disease control, the limitation of large consumption of carbon resourse and power in BFT sharmp farming, and looks forward to the BFT applied to shrimp culture in China associated with the techniques of Litopenaeus vannamei farming in biofloc ponds.
Key words: Biofloc Technology (BFT); shrimp farming; ponds culture