张成林,吴 凡,徐 皓,宿 墨,管崇武
(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘要:通过分析胭脂鱼传统繁育方式发展中出现的瓶颈,突出构建工厂化循环水繁育系统模式的必要性及紧迫性。介绍了重庆市万州区水产研究所总设备投资约为185万元、有效养殖水面为537.5 m2工厂化循环水繁育车间的系统构成及运行模式,着重分析了主要水质指标的变化及繁育车间的运行效果。结果显示,该繁育车间各系统运行稳定,水质指标正常,催产繁育效果明显,胭脂鱼受精卵孵化率及幼苗成活率分别可达93 %和92 %以上;经过6个批次的繁育,年产量500余万尾;年产值近1 800万元,较往年增值700余万元,车间建设费用1年即可回收,经济社会效益显著,具备广泛的推广空间。同时,根据系统运行中存在的问题,提出了注意事项,并指出优化方向。
Effects of artificial breeding in Myxocyprinus asiaticus based on recirculation breeding system
ZHANG Chenglin,WU Fan,XU Hao,SU Mo,GUAN Chongwu
(Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences,
Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: Through the analysis of the disadvantages of traditional breeding way in Myxocyprinus asiaticus, highlighting the necessity of building industrial recirculation breeding model. This paper introduced the system structure and operation mode of industrial recirculation breeding workshop in Chongqing Wanzhou district, which has total equipment investment of about 1. 85 million Yuan and effective water aquaculture is 537.5 m2. The results showed that all systems in the breeding workshop ran stably, the indicators of water quality was normal and the effect of breeding was obvious, the hatching rate and seeding survival rate of Myxocyprinus asiaticus reached more than 93 % and 92 %, respectively; annual output reached 5 million or so after 6 batches of breeding; annual production valued of nearly 18 million Yuan, which is added more than 700 Yuan compared with the previous year. The economic and social benefits were obvious. Meanwhile, according to the problems existed in system, this paper proposed considerations and pointed out optimization direction, in order to provide comprehensive support for the industrial recirculation breeding system to universal application in china.
Key words: Myxocyprinus asiaticus; offspring breeding; recirculation breeding system