李 景,徐永健
(宁波大学海洋学院,浙江 宁波,315211)
摘要:在人工养殖的条件下,研究三斑海马(Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach)选择配偶与交配的行为学。通过3组试验,对三斑海马的异性规格、异性活力、同性间的配偶竞争行为等方面进行观察记录。结果表明,三斑海马选择配偶时,会选择与自身规格差异不大的异性,强壮、耐力好的海马易赢得配偶。在同性间的配偶竞争中,较大规格的雄性个体的竞争能力也强。雌海马选择雄性配偶的规格要大于或等于自身个体,雄海马则相反。掌握这些规律对水产养殖过程中构建三斑海马的择偶标准与繁育生产有指导作用。
Observation and Analysis mate choice of the three-spotted seahorse hippocampus trimaculatus Leach
LI Jing, XU Yongjian
(School of Marine Sciences, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China)
Abstract: Under the farming conditions, the mate choice and copulation behavior of Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach were studied. The heterosexual size, heterosexual vigour and homosexual spouses competitive behavior of the Hippocampus trimaculatus were observed and recorded through three group experiments. The results showed that the three-spotted seahorse prefers to choose a spouse with similar size, and the strong and high-tolerance seahorse can get the spouse easily. Regarding the homosexual spouse competition, the larger size of the male has stronger competitiveness. The female seahorse chooses the male spouse which is larger than or equal to its size, while the male is on the contrary. These mate choice rules can play a guidance role on building the mating criterions of Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach and induced breeding practices in the aquaculture process.
Key words: Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach; mate choice; induced breeding; aquaculture