郑 辉1,崔力拓2,潘 娟1
(1 河北农业大学海洋学院,河北秦皇岛066003;
2 中国环境管理干部学院,河北秦皇岛 066004)
摘要:利用模拟养殖系统的方式进行贝藻混养试验研究。选用海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradias)和海带(Laminaria japonica aresch)作为研究对象,采用4种配比模式对贝藻进行混合养殖,各混养组扇贝密度均为48只/m3,海带密度分别为69 g/m3、135 g/m3、275 g/m3、405 g/m3。每周采样测定水体中营养盐(NH4+-N、TN、PO43--P、COD)的含量及养殖生物的生长情况。试验结果表明,在扇贝养殖系统中引入大型海藻海带可以改善水产养殖区域水体环境的环境质量,海湾扇贝和海带以1∶1(贝肉湿质量∶藻类湿质量)的比例进行混合养殖能取得较好的生态环境效应。
Ecological effect of Kelp in polyculture system with Argopecten irradias
ZHENG Hui1 CUI Lituo2 PAN Juan1
(1.Ocean College of Hebei Agricultural University,Qinhuangdao 066003,China; 2.Environmental Management College of China,Qinhuangdao 066004,China)
Abstract: The experiment on the polyculture of scallop and kelp was made in laboratory by the methods of simulated aquaculture system during November to December in 2013, Polyculture systems of Argopecten irradias and kelp were divided into 4 groups. the scallop were reared at a density of 48 individuals/m3,and the kelp were cultivated at a density of 69,135,275 or 405 g /m3. During the experiment, the variations of nutrients, survival and growth of the scallop and kelp were detected every 7 days. In conclusion, we could make a conclusion that polyculture the Argopecten irradias with the seaweed can take reasonable ecological effects. And the density of the two must be equally.
Key words: Argopecten irradias;Laminaria japonica aresch ;polyculture;ecological effect;Aquaculture